Friday, March 26, 2010

Courage Letter

Dear Mrs. Tonks,

I am writing you to suggest a new class for Open High School of Utah that I think would add a lot to your students’ education. We need a wizard’s study class. A wizard's study class you ask? Do I mean that the class should be about something other than wizards and this is just a fun title for a class? No. I mean an actual spell casting, wand waving, wizarding history-based class. According to author J.K. Rowling, wizards actually take a muggles (people without magic) class. The students at Hogwarts learn about muggles so that they do not discriminate against them. As an expert on the wizarding world I have come to realize that we, as muggles, need to believe in the reality of these wizards and stop discriminating against this minority group.

As an avid follower of the book series, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, I am an expert on the wizarding world. I know everything there is to know about Hogwarts, the Ministry, magic spells, and magical creatures. Dementors are magical creatures that suck the soul out a person. The spell 'Expelliarmus' will disarm your opponent. The Goblet of Fire is for the Triwizard tournament. In the Triwizard tournament three wizards compete for eternal fame and one thousand galleons, a type of wizard money. You should trust me with this decision because I know all about wizards and magical things. With all of my knowledge of the magical world and Wizards you should heed my call to add a Wizard studies class to Open High School.

Aren't wizards a figment of someone's overactive imagination? Why should we study something that doesn't exist? I have to disagree. Wizards, are in fact, real. How could Rowling come up with such an amazing story without it being based on truth? She couldn't. We don't know it is real because of our own willful blindness. The magical world is so wonderfully concealed it is impossible to find unless you know exactly where to look. muggles need to learn that witches and wizards are real, rather than be tricked into thinking that these people are just a work of fiction.

Wizards have successfully hidden their powers from the non-magical population, aka, muggles, to such an extent we don’t even believe in them! Could willful blindness and clever hiding entirely account for our disbelief? No. If you look back to the middle ages people who were accused of being witches or wizards were burnt at the stake. Most of the time the people that they caught were not magical beings and when they did catch a witch or wizard they survived using their magic. We muggles forced wizards into hiding because of our intolerance and discrimination. Our discrimination caused wizards and witches to go into hiding and even, to a greater extent forced them to learn about muggles so they could protect themselves from us.

Now wizards' 'technologies' have evolved and they have a school called Hogwarts. Witches and wizards in England study there starting at age eleven and an offered elective is to learn about muggles and their world. Having our own wizard studies would be a wonderful addition to Open High School of Utah’s curriculum. I strongly urge you to find and hire a teacher for this subject as soon as possible so that it can be available to us, the students. We need to understand that magical people are not a work of fiction. We need to learn that discrimination against magical people is wrong. I am glad that I could bring this subject to your attention, and I hope that you can get Wizard Studies available to the students of Open High School of Utah very soon.

Thank you,


I will ask Mrs. Tonks if I can post her response.

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