Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Haircut!!!

I got a new haircut!!!

I will post pictures that my aunt Amber took while I was in California as soon as she emails them to me!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

At California !!!

Well, actually I've been here for a while now. I just haven't had time to update my blog!!!

When I first got on the plane I was told that I would be staying on the plane until I got to San Diego, and that the plane would stop at Arizona. When the plane stopped I was told that my flight was canceled. I had to wait almost two more hours until the next flight left. But, I'm here now and it's all good. I'll update again later!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lots of things

My cousin Bailey came over to my house on Presidents Day. She had lots of fun. We played with Sammy and went to the park. Our stake is doing a musical, Beauty and the Beast. I'm playing my flute and my dad is Cogsworth the clock. Nicole and I went to Jonas Brothers the 3D concert experience yesterday. It was awesome! You can also see me playing my song at the recital.

Going to California !

I get to visit my cousins in San Diego! Sariah, Kaylee, Tysie, Paige, Aunt Amber, and Uncle Loren. I paid for the plane ticket all by myself and I'm going all by my self!! Shanna and Damon bought me some books to read on the plane. A paperback copy of Twilight, I'd Tell You I Love You but Then I'd Have to Kill You, and Cross My Heart and Hop to Spy. Thank you Shanna and Damon!!! I'm leaving on Tuesday morning and I'll post more when I get there!!!